Google Chat—the successor to Hangouts—offers a TON of features to its users, more so than most users probably realize. For instance, there are a lot of features buried under keyboard shortcuts. Let’s go over some of these shortcuts and what you can use them for in Google Chat.
Access a Shortcut Cheat Sheet
If you remember any shortcut from this list, this one will give you on-demand access to all of them via a handy keyboard shortcut list. With no conversation selected, pressing ? will bring up this list for your reference.
Quickly Switch Your Lines of Communication
Amongst Chat’s shortcuts are those that allow you to quickly hop around the interface without needing to take your hands off the keyboard. To jump from one space or conversation to another in Windows, all you have to do is press Crtl + K. Doing so will cause a box to open, giving you the option to start a group conversation, browse or create a new space, review the message requests you’ve received, or start a dialogue with some of your existing contacts.
Edit a Sent Message
Whoops! Maybe you’ve sent a message before it was ready, or you made a particularly embarrassing typo. Whatever the reason, you can swiftly make a change by selecting the message using the up arrow. Once your message is selected, you can make your edits and update your message.
Google Chats is a great option for you to consider for your business’ internal communications. We can help equip you with the tools that enable all of your professional processes. Give us a call at (215) 525-3223 to learn more.