Tip of the Week: Technology Etiquette as You Return to the Office

When a group of people work together in an office, there is a sort of etiquette that forms to help everyone do the most effective work as they can. Of course, with many employees working remotely for some time now, a lot of these behaviors may have slipped. Here, we’re reviewing some of the technology manners that your team should keep in mind so that the whole of your business can work productively.

Understanding Innovations to Technology Can Help You Use It

In the 1980s, there was a cartoon by the name of G.I. Joe, based on action figures manufactured by toy giant Hasbro. Due to the popularity of this cartoon, they set out time each week to do a brief PSA aimed to educate kids about the dangers of certain actions. The tagline, “Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” became entrenched in the lexicon. Now, over thirty years later, kids that grew up on G.I. Joe are business owners and have come to understand just how poignant that message is. Let’s take a look at a couple of ways businesses can expand their knowledge base and use it to improve their operations using IT.

What Data Privacy will Look Like in the Future

I want you to step out of your role as a business owner for a moment and see yourself once again as the average consumer. How concerned are you that so many businesses have collected and are now storing your personal data, and that you have no control over its privacy? If you feel at all uneasy, you’re not alone… 87 percent of Americans feel that data privacy is a human right in these modern times.

Tip of the Week: 7 Ways You Can Extend Your Device’s Battery Life

Nothing is more frustrating than when you are in the middle of a conversation or a task only to have your device’s battery run out of juice and shut your device off. This is exacerbated if the task you were using it for was time-sensitive or work related. Today, we thought we would give you a few tips on how to extend the life of your phone’s battery, so that you can get more done in the moments you need to.