How to Create a Shared Network by Mapping Network Drives

How to Create a Shared Network by Mapping Network Drives

A shared network is not a new concept in the business world. These shared networks give all computers connected to them access to a centralized file and drive infrastructure where documents can be accessed. Your IT department has likely already set one of these up for your organization, but we thought a short guide on how to map a network on your personal device might be helpful.

Moore’s Law Is Failing. What’s Next?

Moore’s Law Is Failing. What’s Next?

Moore’s Law may have been prophetic for its time, but it was bound to run out of steam eventually. In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that transistors inside of a dense integrated circuit would double every 18 months, and at the time, it seemed like an ambitious prediction at best. All these years later, however, computing speeds are doubling every 18 months, just as predicted, but technology may have finally caught up with this prediction. How will technology’s growth change moving forward?

Monitoring Your Network and Infrastructure Can Keep Big Issues at Bay

Monitoring Your Network and Infrastructure Can Keep Big Issues at Bay

There are a lot of threats out there that can place some pressure on your business to think and act a certain way, but unless you are actively searching for threats on your network, you might find yourself coming up short in regards to network security. Why is monitoring your network so important, even with preventative measures in place? It all starts with imagining the worst-case scenario.

Data Backup is Extremely Important. Here is Why

Data Backup is Extremely Important. Here is Why

How often do you think about your business’ future? If you are a good business owner, chances are your hopes and aspirations for the future are informing your current business practices, but if not, we have news for you. Even something as simple as a hardware failure can be enough to derail operations bad enough that you may not be able to recover—especially if you are unprepared for the data loss that could ensue.

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