To Succeed with Technology Implementation, Know Your Business Inside and Out

To Succeed with Technology Implementation, Know Your Business Inside and Out

Technology can empower your business to accomplish great things, ranging from making better decisions to increasing productivity. However, your business could potentially be overwhelmed by the opportunities it presents. How do you navigate the confusing landscape of business technology? It all starts with having a clear understanding of what works for your particular business, starting by working with technology professionals.

Your Business May Not Be as Secure as You Think It Is

Your Business May Not Be as Secure as You Think It Is

If you’ve spent any time at all reading our blog—or even looking at the topics we cover, for that matter—you’ve seen how often we talk about the importance of your business’s cybersecurity. The fact that we have to is frankly a little depressing. Trust me, I’d love to be able to spend all my time bringing your technology to the next level, instead of keeping ne’er-do-wells from undermining it. However, the reality is that every organization needs to focus on its cybersecurity, and this is becoming more and more the case all the time.

No Delusions Needed When Running a Business

No Delusions Needed When Running a Business

Running a business is rarely easy. There are a lot of moving parts that require attention and there are only so many hours in the day to get everything done. As technology professionals, we often notice that small business owners can do themselves a disservice by not truly understanding their business—whether that be by having delusions of grandeur or by not having the proper perspective that would allow them to do more to build sustained and consistent prosperity. In this week’s blog we take a look at some of the ways that business owners hinder their chance of success.

Why Does Cybercrime Happen and What Can You Do About It?

Why Does Cybercrime Happen and What Can You Do About It?

There are countless threats out there that can leave your business in a worse state than before, including viruses and malware, ransomware, data breaches, and other types of phishing attacks. It’s hard to go about your day without worrying about these types of threats, especially in today’s connected business world. However, the ones you need to watch out for most of all are the ones that are so personal you’d never expect them.

Your Keyboard is Gross. Here’s How to Make it Less Gross

Your Keyboard is Gross. Here’s How to Make it Less Gross

Your keyboard sees a lot of use, probably more than any other piece of technology related to your computer. It’s how you interface and interact with it, and if you don’t take the time to clean it up every so often, it’s going to get pretty nasty. Let’s go over how you can clean your keyboard, as well as a couple of tips to keep it cleaner over the long term.

Address These Common Employee Complaints for a Better Workplace

Address These Common Employee Complaints for a Better Workplace

One of the more challenging issues to deal with as a business owner is bridging the gap with your unhappy employees. While it’s certainly true that unhappy employees could be upset for any number of reasons, some of which are completely unrelated to work, there are others that you might have complete control over without necessarily realizing it. Let’s go over how you can help your employees be happier and more fulfilled during their time with your business and, thereby, more productive as a result.

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