Microsoft Thwarts Major Hacking Attempt, For Now

With just shy of a month before the 2020 United States Election, there has been quite a bit of concern over the idea that external interests may try to sway the results—and it seems for good reason. Only recently, Microsoft interrupted a massive coordinated hacking plot that could have altered the very infrastructure needed to support a fair election. Let’s examine this plot, and what Microsoft did, in some more detail.

Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Business from Shadow IT

Shadow IT is a big problem in today’s business, but not a lot of people know about it. As powerful as technology can be if it is left unmonitored, it can run into problems. Shadow IT is unmonitored technology because it is brought onto a network without an IT administrator’s knowledge. Today, we talk a little bit about fighting shadow IT and how to get your staff on board.

Tip of the Week: Six Smart Practices for Data Security

If asked to list its most valuable assets, every modern business currently in existence should include its data on that list. This is part of the reason that data security should be treated as a priority. We know—this isn’t exactly a small ask, so to help, we’ve put together a few tips to get you started off on the right foot. If you’re already working on your data security preparedness, consider this a refresher.

Self Education Can Put You and Your Business Ahead

The pandemic has been difficult for many business owners, but in this time of peril there has been a silver lining. Many business owners have taken some of the time away from business to sharpen their technical skills. Some of the skills these entrepreneurs are looking to improve include their understanding of the software, telecommunications, and marketing that they use in the course of doing business. To do this, they are using some of the same resources that you use when you want help sharpening your skills: YouTube

What’s Next for Your Business’ IT Strategy?

Choosing what technology to invest in can be some of the most important decisions you are going to make for your business. Every business has a technology wish list. Some of those wishes are just based in simple practicality, while others are more geared toward the future. Regardless of how you think about your business’ next technology purchase, you are going to need a plan. Today, we’ll discuss how to approach your business’ IT strategy.

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