Security Issues You Can Run Into On Your Mobile Device

Security Issues You Can Run Into On Your Mobile Device

When it comes to mobile devices, you have a fine line to tread with security. On one hand, you want to make sure your devices are protected properly from all manners of threats. On the other, you need to balance this with productivity, and ensuring that your employees don’t feel overly restricted by your policies. To help you implement appropriate mobile device security practices, we’ve put together three of the top issues you should plan for and how you can address them.

Tip of the Week: Password Protect Your Files

Tip of the Week: Password Protect Your Files

Have you ever thought about protecting a specific file or folder on your computer? You could always hide the file, but this isn’t doing much to protect it from anyone who has access to your computer and its settings. Sometimes it takes a stronger approach. Windows has some basic file encryption functionality built into it, so let’s go over how you can use it to protect a specific file or folder on your computer!

Hide Your Files in Windows 10

Hide Your Files in Windows 10

Is your desktop littered with random files or folders that need to be organized? Do you have a handful of folders that you absolutely need but would prefer if they weren’t out in the open all the time? Windows has built-in functionality that lets you hide certain folders from view, if you want, and it’s a great way to clean up your desktop. Let’s get into how you can hide these folders from your desktop or Documents view.

How to Get Your Employees to Engage in Cybersecurity

How to Get Your Employees to Engage in Cybersecurity

Millions of people find themselves sitting in front of a computer moving files around and corresponding with people over the phone, through email, or updating info in the company’s line of business app. What many of them don’t know, however, is that, at any time, they are only a couple of clicks away from causing major problems for their company. Therefore, it is extremely important to train your staff on what to look for and how to address those situations when they do arise.