Preparing for the Worst Means Prioritizing Strong Data Recovery

Backup Disaster Recovery Workplace Tips

No matter where your business calls home, it will be vulnerable to some sort of disaster, whether it’s a natural disaster that wipes your office off the map or a cyberattack that cripples your data infrastructure. You don’t have to resign yourself to this fate, though; with the appropriate tools, your business can survive just about anything and keep operations going even under the worst circumstances.

Has a Return to the Office Led to Some Employees Leaving Permanently?

Has a Return to the Office Led to Some Employees Leaving Permanently?

The past few years have seen major shifts in the workforce, and not the kind that employers ever want to see. More people than any other time have willingly left their places of work, with social media hashtags like “#quittingmyjob” and “#quitmyjob” getting hundreds of millions of views. Let’s consider why this is, and what you can do to keep your employees engaged  

Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is type on your keyboard, especially if you have already been doing it just about all day. In cases like this, you can give your fingers a break and use Microsoft Word’s dictation features to “write” by speaking into your device’s microphone. Let’s go over how you can use this feature on a desktop, your web browser, and even your mobile device.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Excel in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a great tool to organize data into spreadsheets, but it’s kind of a tricky beast to master. As is the case with most software programs, you can add an extra level of mastery to your skillset by having a full understanding of keyboard shortcuts. We’ve listed some of the most common shortcuts that you might use during your day-to-day duties in Microsoft Excel.