Is Art Really Art, if it Comes from an AI Artist?

Is Art Really Art, if it Comes from an AI Artist?

Let me ask you a question: would you see The Mona Lisa, The Starry Night, or Girl with a Pearl Earring as the masterpieces they are considered today if they were actually created using artificial intelligence? While it might seem like a silly question, it is one that the results of the recent Colorado State Fair’s fine art competition—where the first-place winner was created using AI—leads us to ask.

Moore’s Law Is Failing. What’s Next?

Moore’s Law Is Failing. What’s Next?

Moore’s Law may have been prophetic for its time, but it was bound to run out of steam eventually. In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that transistors inside of a dense integrated circuit would double every 18 months, and at the time, it seemed like an ambitious prediction at best. All these years later, however, computing speeds are doubling every 18 months, just as predicted, but technology may have finally caught up with this prediction. How will technology’s growth change moving forward?

4 Technology Innovations on Common Devices Found in Most Businesses

4 Technology Innovations on Common Devices Found in Most Businesses

There are literally thousands of pieces of technology available that accomplish something positive for your business. Whether they are communications tools that help your team collaborate and build a better client-support system, gadgets and software to help streamline your team’s ability to get work done, or devices to help advance the company’s mobile strategies, considering what you can do with innovative new technologies is a responsibility of a forward-looking executive or small business owner.

3 Technologies That Could Have Business Applications in the Future

Being future-minded means that you are always on the lookout for the next big thing and how it might affect your business, be it technology or otherwise. Many developing technologies might seem like they will never see the light of day, but the reality is that many of them do have the potential to see business applications in some capacity. Let’s take a look at some of these oddball concepts and how they might transition to business use in the future.