Ransomware is On an Unfortunate Trajectory

Ransomware is a real problem; I mean, a real problem. Not only does it create serious problems for any organization that is victimized by it, it is about to be a completely pervasive problem for everyone. It is extremely important for your organization to take the threat of ransomware seriously by implementing a strategy to keep it from being an issue. Today, we offer a three-pronged approach to doing just that.

Can You Tell When Your Hard Drive Is About To Fail?

Can You Tell When Your Hard Drive Is About To Fail?

Digital storage has been evolving with the development of reliable and long-lasting devices with extremely fast storage and massive storage capacity. The innovation of the solid state drive (SSD) has changed the outlook of storage somewhat, but large-capacity SSDs can be expensive. The hard disk drive (HDD) is still a cost-effective alternative, but it is a mechanical device, which, over time, will be prone to failure. 

Preparing for the Worst Means Prioritizing Strong Data Recovery

Backup Disaster Recovery Workplace Tips

No matter where your business calls home, it will be vulnerable to some sort of disaster, whether it’s a natural disaster that wipes your office off the map or a cyberattack that cripples your data infrastructure. You don’t have to resign yourself to this fate, though; with the appropriate tools, your business can survive just about anything and keep operations going even under the worst circumstances.

Data Backup Protects Everything You’ve Built

When you have a thorough and powerful data backup strategy in place at your business, you are protecting your operations, your employees, and your customers from an array of terrible scenarios. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t think of data loss in the terms it should be considered in, a complete travesty. Today, we thought we would briefly describe the long and short of data backup and recovery practices that can put your business in a position to secure and restore your data should it be corrupted, destroyed, or stolen.