The Internet of Things grows larger with every passing day, and with so many connected devices with Internet functionality entering the world, one has to wonder how this impacts cybersecurity. Let’s take a look at what could potentially be changing as the Internet of Things expands its borders and scope.
Ransomware is a top threat, and it’s definitely not going anywhere anytime soon. To help you best combat it, let’s take a look at what you can do to keep ransomware from disrupting your organization and its operations. We’ll provide a brief overview of what ransomware is and what you can do to take the fight to it.
Phishing attacks are nothing new in the business world, and they will almost certainly become more prevalent as time passes. Unfortunately, phishing attacks have adapted their practices to get around advancements in security technology, so businesses must work extra hard to spread awareness of phishing to their employees and train them appropriately.
If you look at all of the security-related headlines from the past year, what do you think the biggest trend is? Perhaps it was the plethora of large-scale ransomware campaigns that struck both individuals and businesses in spades. Even now, ransomware continues to make headlines by changing its tactics, with one of the more recent ones being in regards to fake ransomware.
Log4j is a major vulnerability that has a widespread impact across a wide range of technology. We can’t stress how serious this is, and your business needs to take action right away.
When it comes to software solutions, many companies don’t have as much freedom as they might like to pick and choose the highest quality solutions available. Some companies might even opt to take advantage of free, open-source software simply because it is the best option that fits their price point. While there are benefits to open-source software, we want to encourage all users to also consider the dangers involved with using it.
It’s easy to see the headlines and think that a major data breach cannot happen to your business, but this is a dangerous mindset to hold. If you aren’t taking cybersecurity seriously these days, then you’re making a huge mistake. You need to implement security measures now before it’s too late.
Even the best employees will encounter situations where they might accidentally put your organization at risk due to a phishing attack. What are some of the telltale signs of a phishing scam and how can you tell when you need to be cautious? The subject lines of phishing emails can be indicative of their threat level. Let’s take a look.
In certain industries that are steeped in tradition, it can often be challenging to meet the stringent security requirements in order to keep up with modern threats. Take, for example, the modern law firm. Just how does a law firm go about securing its data and technology, and what must be considered when implementing security solutions for these types of organizations?
With so many workers performing tasks remotely, it’s no small wonder that authentication is one of the major points of discussion this year. How can you be sure that your company is doing all it can to verify a user’s identity before they access important information on your infrastructure? One such way you can do it is by using voice-based authentication.