Ads Can Carry Malicious Code

Ads Can Carry Malicious Code

Sometimes you might be browsing the Internet and come across an advertisement for free downloads of Windows applications. Obviously, this is too good to be true, and hackers tend to exploit advertisements to spread their influence across devices. Malvertising is used to deliver various types of threats, all of which can cause considerable harm to unprepared businesses.

Users of Cloud Services are Under Attack

Users of Cloud Services are Under Attack

Certain methods used by hackers are more effective than others, and it’s largely in part due to these methods working around and subverting popular security measures. They might take on the look of a legitimate email or web source, like social media, in an attempt to convince the user that it is indeed a message they can trust. The latest in this type of hacking attack includes Google Docs.

Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

Cloud computing has been a major topic of discussion in the business world, but many IT professionals have been skeptical of the practice over the years due to security concerns and issues with management. However, technology advancements have allowed businesses to implement cloud computing in previously unforeseen ways, leading to more convenient, flexible, and affordable solutions as a whole.

Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Your desktop infrastructure is one of the most important parts of your organization, and there are several ways to manage it. One way is through Desktop-as-a-Service, an option that can help you move away from the traditional workstation and embrace a new technology management philosophy. How might you get value out of this service? Let’s take a look at what makes DaaS so special.

Positive Redundancy Protects Your Business

Positive Redundancy Protects Your Business

You may have seen us use the term “redundant” on this blog often, and if you are not necessarily familiar with how it might be used in the context of business technology, we understand how you could misconstrue the word in a negative light. However, redundancy is one of the most important concepts to understand in business technology, and it’s key to your business’ continued success.