Best to Build Security Awareness Early

Best to Build Security Awareness Early

News flash, cybersecurity is pretty important, and the Internet is chock-full of threats that you need to take seriously. However, with today’s youth practically growing up connected to the Internet, it becomes even more important than ever to ensure that they are aware of cybersecurity best practices early in their lives. To this end, Google has created a platform called the Be Internet Awesome initiative.

Saving Money is at the Core of Managed IT Services

Saving Money is at the Core of Managed IT Services

Sometimes a business model or way of managing something complex comes along that changes the game for countless businesses, industries, and organizations. One such model is managed IT services, and it can effectively replace the way you used to manage your technology with a better, more efficient method. It can impact your budget, increase your bottom line, and save you countless hours throughout the workday.

Don’t Lose Your Company to a Disaster

Don’t Lose Your Company to a Disaster

Even when everything is going well, running a business can be challenging—all of that is to say that things are especially difficult when everything starts to go wrong, particularly in the realm of business continuity. While nobody likes to imagine the worst-case scenario, we always like to say that imaging the worst-case scenario can help you prepare for it, and it can take the sting away from dealing with it.

Discerning Between a Data Breach and a Security Incident Can Fuel Your Response to Each

Discerning Between a Data Breach and a Security Incident Can Fuel Your Response to Each

Cybersecurity is an incredibly important part of any business, but there are slight differences in various terms that can make for huge misunderstandings. For example, the average office worker might hear of “data breaches” and imagine they are “security incidents.” They might not technically be wrong, but the two terms aren’t exactly the same, either. Let’s examine the definitions and provide some clarity on these terms.

Is Your Business Ready for Windows 11?

Is Your Business Ready for Windows 11?

For the past few years, Microsoft led customers to believe that they would be building on Windows 10 for the foreseeable future. Of course, in tech, nothing ever stays static and they have now released Windows 11 for PC. For the business, it starts a clock that can get quite uncomfortable if not planned for. This week, we thought we’d take a look at the system specifications for Windows 11, and what you need to know for when you decide it’s time to upgrade.