Four Tips to Help You Avoid Amazon Scams

With the holiday season upon us and online shopping surging, instances of scams targeting the popular e-commerce platform Amazon have become increasingly common. The majority of these scams involve impersonation tactics, posing a significant threat to unsuspecting users. With the festive season underway, it’s crucial to be aware of the types of Amazon scams prevalent and take measures to avoid falling victim to them.

Tip of the Week: Five Extremely Useful Email Security Tips

In business, email is one of the tried and true methods of communication. Unfortunately, there are many out there searching to breach a network, whether it be to deploy malware or lie in wait until they have access and cause havoc from within. Regardless of what strategy hackers and scammers use, it is important that users understand what to do to protect themselves and their organizations’ email. Here are some tips to keep in mind. 

Ransomware is On an Unfortunate Trajectory

Ransomware is a real problem; I mean, a real problem. Not only does it create serious problems for any organization that is victimized by it, it is about to be a completely pervasive problem for everyone. It is extremely important for your organization to take the threat of ransomware seriously by implementing a strategy to keep it from being an issue. Today, we offer a three-pronged approach to doing just that.